Friday, March 27, 2009

...kid again

I like WTWTA. I also like Spike Jonze. I am a fan of the Arcade Fire. Put 'em all together and what do you get?
I think it comes out in October.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Pics and pics

A good friend recently left Gulu for a holiday in Rwanda, Kenya, and Tanzania. While she is traveling she let us use her mobile internet device. Its surprisingly fast. Here are the pictures to prove it. We'll actually be buying one soon and have pretty regular interweb access at home.

B Girl freestyle head spin.

50-50 at Kampala's best street spot (reppin' the home team)

We had a brief stint in the Army. I was a Sergeant!

Arafat (national dance contest winner) teaching some guys how to get bizzy!

I rock plastic shoes in case of mud.

I had planned to post more pictures but that's really just too much to ask for. I'll post more soon enough. I emailed some folks about a skate contest coming up in Kampala. (Knock on wood) I'll have something to show you from that. Hope you're well. Peace