Wednesday, October 22, 2008

So this is it....

Alright, it took some time to name it but here it is. I have a blog. While its not the most important step in moving out of the country; it is something I wanted to have done before I left. I have to thank my coworker Erin for the longitude and latitude idea. 0°19′N 32°35′E is where Melissa and I will be living and you're all welcome to visit.
So far I've gotten lots of shots, we have tickets, and we're packing. I'll be updating when I can to keep everyone current on the haps. Talk at you soon.


KnottyAuthor said...

I cant wait to see pics! be safe! proud of ya cuz.

chuckd76 said...

I ducked into a nearby alley to handle my biz and saw your sweet glide away. No need to pretend to be good enough to be pro.'re my hero...

HP said...

'bout time.

We're all seriously looking forward to your posts.