First I fed this ostrich...
...then I ate its friends for dinner.
Rescued baby elephant. I didn't rescue it but I saw it.
More flamingos in Lake Nakuru. I recently heard there was a documentary made about
them (or the ones at Lake Naivasha) I haven't seen it but maybe you want to...?
The Rift Valley is one of those things that can't be captured in pictures or even really described.
A guide book said something about it stretching from the Middle East to somewhere in Africa
but I didn't really get the details. I also did not read the wikipedia article I hot linked. I went there you read it.
Whu'chu know 'bout bein' eaten alive?
Or being eaten by me after being grilled?
We tried to get as close as possible to this elephant. Right after I took this picture it took 5 steps straight toward us and shook its head as if to say "NO" then turned around and walked away. We let him be after that.
The widlerbeast migration happened just before we got there but there were a handful around.
Crested crane. It should look familiar to you.
...and just like that I'm 30.
Melissa took tons of pics of the trees, for good reason though. Some were pretty amazing.
Things are good. I'll be posting again soon. Take 'er easy.
A baby elephant, fantastical valleys and Pairs?!?! oh my! I love your life. :)
Why didn't you eat elephant or crane after seeing them? I bet elephant burgers are tasty.
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