Friday, June 12, 2009

The worst time I've had in Uganda

I came to Uganda with the knowledge that I may get sick; amazingly, since November all I've had was a cold. That all changed last week. I spent Monday night shivering because I was so cold. Tuesday morning I woke up covered in sweat, feeling like I was hit with a baseball bat 26 times, and a little feverish. I wasn't too panicked but I thought this was the end. Before writing my last will and testament, Melissa and I went to the hospital to get my blood tested for everything. The symptoms for so many diseases are the same and if you don't catch them early your brain may boil.
When they took the blood I had a slight fever which was good because they're more likely to catch whats wrong if I'm symptomatic. Still somehow my test came back negative for everything and I was just imagining the ridiculous pain. I ended up being diagnosed with clinical malaria and prescribed something or another.
I went home and sweat some more and slept and ached and kept sweating and so on. Melissa took my temperature every 20 minutes and it was never good news. After 3 days on the meds I felt a lot better, but still not good enough to leave the house or eat a full meal. A day or two later I had a headache so bad I couldn't see straight and wouldn't go away. I survived that weekend and woke up Monday morning feeling like I was on top of the world. A feeling that made sense me because I can't remember feeling much worse than when I was sick.
The moral of the story is don't stop taking your antimalarial meds even if you do come up with a good reason.


chuckd76 said...

Since you never made it out of T-Ball, I think your pain frame-of-reference may be off.

Chris Flynn said...
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Chris Flynn said...

Glad Your feeling better, my man. That malaria is crazy stuff.

KM said...

Wow-you got malaira? Glad you're doin better my man.

KM said...

I just realized I wrote almost the same thing as Flynn. Damn.

Hope you're recovering and getting back to lurking properly.

There. Totally different.